- This is a heavy duty turret lathe. 这是一台重型转台车床。
- Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier to international trade. 进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。
- Parents put heavy duties on their children. 父母们给孩子们增加繁重的任务。
- Having the thick wear layer, Can be used as a heavy duty flooring. 透明层厚,具有超强的耐磨、耐划痕、抗冲击性。
- It's improper for parents to put too heavy duties on their children. 父母让孩子承担的责任太多是不合适的。
- He enjoined a duty on his assistant. 他交给他的助手一项职责。
- Star Maling Ballast Epoxy Mastic is a heavy duty, high build coating for protection of steel in corrosive environments. 本产品是一种高固含的重防腐涂料,用于腐蚀环境下钢结构防护。
- It will be a heavy tax on my energy/time. 这要耗费我许多精力/时间。
- The Mi-6 helicopter by Mil USSR, is a heavy duty helicopter which first flight in 1957. 苏联米里设计局设计的米-6直升机是一种重型运输直升机,1957年首飞。
- The new government has decided to levy a tax on tobacco. 新政府已决定征收烟草税。
- Find solutions and if needed, engineer a heavy duty escalator solution for a customer project. 为重载扶梯项目的客户提供所需要的解决方案;
- A heavy debt lay on the family like a dead weight. 沉重的债务像千斤重担压在一家人的头上。
- The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背著重负而弯腰。
- The government has decided to levy a tax on imported cars. 政府决定征收进口汽车税。
- EMFORM423 is a heavy duty lubricant for cold extrusion of nuts, bolts, screws, bearing parts, gears and many other steel parts. EMFORM423是用于螺丝、螺帽、螺杆、轴承组件与齿轮等多种钢质五金件冷锻加工的重负荷型润滑剂。
- The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods. 政府对奢侈品课以重税。
- The Walkman Sports is fitted in a heavy duty case for those who enjoy outdoor activities. This splash-resistant unit features an added FM tuner and disc drive system. 这款运动型机器装备了重型的防护外壳以保证在户外运动时享受音乐。主要特征是防水及添加了FM调谐器和磁盘直接驱动系统。
- A8 is basically A2 (a common cutlery steel) modified for greater toughness at the cost of wear resistance, a very sensible tradeoff on a heavy duty knife. 看到下面一句,A8是A2的改进型,以降低抗磨损能力为代价换取了更强的韧性,写文章的人认为这样更适合用做大型刀具:
- The government imposes a special duty on oil. 政府征特殊石油税。
- He lugged a heavy handcart along. 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。